Don’t Break The Chain!

Recently, I came across Jerry Seinfeld’s technique for productivity. He would put a red X across every single day that he would show up and work on his comedy.

As I am always looking at new hacks and trips to get me to accomplish or show up to do more, I thought what the hay! Thus far almost a full month through it has got me to not only work on my goals, but it is amazing how much you can accomplish with just setting the goal to show up every day.

This is how I am doing it and how you can start:

  1. Choose Goals

I chose 4 goals, I have so many goals personally that I had to narrow it down to 4. I think doing three might be a better idea to get you started, but attempting to be an overachiever I of course chose 3.

  1. Aim low, Shoot High

I made these minimum goals. It’s easy to make them extravagant and push yourself really hard, but I think this exercise is intended to get you in the habit of showing up. So think small, if you want to work on something. Give yourself 15 minutes a day!

  1. Print that Calendar (OR BUY)

I googled and physically printed out 4 calendars and took a piece of paper and set my own boundaries and rules.

  1. Everyone has off days, Be Real.

Inevitably you will have times when you won’t be able to show up, so give yourself 3 weeks of vacation a year. When you feel like you need some time off or skip a day put a V. If you’re sick, put an S. Otherwise big Xs everywhere!

Things You Need:

Monthly/Yearly Calendars

A Big FAT Red Marker

A yearning to accomplish more!


