The Mind, Body, and Soul Routine

My morning routine consists of three 30 minute intervals relating to the mind, body and the soul. Here is a little look into it

Set your day up for success by getting up earlier tomorrow and doing these three things.

1. Focus on Your Mind! Clear your mind, take a minute or fifteen. Free write what’s on your mind in a 5 minute journal. Pray or say some affirmations that you have written or came across. Meditate on your goals or what you want to achieve. I like to do all these.

2. Focus on Your Body! Your body is your temple. I get myself moving for the next 30 minutes doing yoga, kettlebell swings, running, anything to get my heart rate up. I personally like weight training and mixing in stretching the muscles I’m targeting each day.

3. Focus on Your Soul!: My soul is filled by the relationships in my life and music I create. How do you express your creativity in your life? What do you love to do? Take some time and do that. 

Show up for yourself tomorrow; spend 5 minutes every day in all of these categories and watch as your life changes for the good

If you decide to do it – I would love to hear about it. Share your experience in the comments. 

My name is Ben Baker, I help people expand their brand. If you are interested in professional marketing or podcasts email me at [email protected]



