Yesterday Pages.

Try journaling like a young girl.

Every day reflect on the happenings of yesterday. I enjoy incorporating it into my morning routine. I will be doing this for at least 30 days. But I love the idea of having years of this and being able to go back and live different days of your life and remind yourself what you’ve learned. Tony Robbins once said if your life is worth living, it’s worth documenting. If you are living, your life is worth living, so try it out! Document your life…

My journal routine has changed a lot throughout my life, but some kind of morning pages like Julia Cameron or 5-minute journal Tim Ferriss uses are all great examples of a free-thinking flow that helps you get out thoughts. I simply think it’s beneficial asking yourself questions in the morning as well. What are you grateful for? What are you excited about?

Heres is the Exercise:

Try journaling your life, everyday document yesterday. in whatever detail. If anything sparks you to put in your tomorrow’s calendar, or right now’s calendar, just make note of it! Go back to this. If you enjoy it, keep doing it. Imagine your life story that you can go back to at any point.



