



They all allow me to get into a more conscientious mind. I struggle with focus. I know I’m not alone. I am very high in openness which gives me a tremendous amount of ideas. But at the same time, It’s hard to focus.

There are simple daily practices that I have incorporated that help me feel less lost amongst all these ideas and helps me keep on track. I write about this so extensively that it will be one of the first books I finalize, although I live, breathe music. The only way I can accomplish anything is through my practice.

What are these practices? For one thing, writing, I came across Julia Cameron’s most popular book and have been incorporating morning pages as some therapy. Another one is meditation. I don’t know if both of those are required. But they help me. If I start the day outside meditating, it makes for better focus. Also, just echoing yesterday’s journal. Sleep. It’s so important.

If you struggle with issues like these, try and incorporate one of those and let me know how you feel. I’ll break down my practice of each of these things in more depth soon. But don’t let me stop you; take control of your focus with some mindful tricks.



